Sunday, August 19, 2012

to the mothers in my life.

To my mothers,

I have been thinking about the mother I want to be for Zoey and her future siblings. I started to think about all the women that have had an influence on me becoming who I am today and became overwhelmed. Overwhelmed with a sense of joy, thankfulness, and the urge to share the impact you’ve made.

You have taught me to mother.

You have taught me to nourish.
You have taught me to influence.
You have taught me to encourage.
You have taught me to advocate.
You have taught me to embrace, accept, relate.

You have taught me to listen.
You have taught me to forgive.
You have taught me to understand, endure, persevere.

You have taught me to be generous.
You have taught me to be humble.
You have taught me to be authentic.
You have taught me to be faithful.
You have taught me to be honest, transparent, real.
You have taught me to love.

So thank you mothers of my life. You have made a huge and lasting impact. I am forever grateful for the blessings you have been to me! 


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